Thursday, June 25, 2009

Off to West Texas

Wes and I went to West Texas (Midland) this past weekend to see one of his cousins get married. He wasn't too excited about the wedding...he wanted me to see West Texas. It wasn't a traditonal trip because they have had more rain than we have so it was much greener and cooler than it is supposed to be. I didn't get any pictures during the wedding...but here are a few from our trip.

On our started raining and I loved the sunset.

Another view of the sunset...and wind turbines.

A wide open field with NO trees.

Lots of oil wells EVERYWHERE!

Wes and I before the wedding.

Wes and I at the wedding.

Another shot of the wind turbines as we were on our way back. There were TONS of them out there...pretty cool to see!


Stephanie Marie said...

Yay for a blog friend :) So glad to have one more way to keep in touch!

JNB said...

I love all of your pictures! It looks like you two had a great time :)
